Our Services
Classic Eyelashes:
Classic lashes are individually applied at a 1:1 ratio. This look is perfect for those who are looking for subtle and simple eye enhancement. The 1:1 technique is applied by attaching one perfect synthetic lash to one perfect natural lash. Classic eyelashes are thicker diameter lashes that add length and create a style that no mascara or strip lash can deliver. Approx: 90-150 lashes per eye.
Hybrid Eyelashes:
Hybrid lashes are a mixture of classic and volume. This look is very “Popular” especially for those who want to achieve a fuller look and fill in any empty gaps. The application method provides fullness and gorgeous texturing to your lashes. Try hybrid lashes if you want to “Glam Up” your classic set with a natural more dense look—Approx 200-400 lashes per eye.
Volume Eyelashes:
Everyone wants Volume lashes. With this type of extension, your lash artist will apply 2-6d ultra-lightweight lashes to each of your natural lashes. Hello, gorgeous. A different application method is applied over your more traditional eyelash extensions, and so you should expect volume lashes to take longer. Volume Eyelashes are thinner diameter lashes that create fullness you can’t achieve with Classic or Hybrid Lashes. Volume gives you a luscious set of full, fluffy and gorgeous extensions Approx. 400-600 lashes per eye.
Mega volume lashes:
Mega volume lashes are everything, and that’s why they are in such high demand. A set of traditional volume lashes uses .07 mm extensions to create a fan with up to 5 lash extensions. Mega volume sets use .05 mm and .03 mm lash extensions to create a fan. With mega volume, you can apply up to 16D extensions on one natural lash. Now that’s MEGA BEAUTY. These ultra-fine 0.03 mm lashes create extreme fullness 6D-16D 600+ lashes per eye.
So, are you ready to take the plunge into the world of eyelash extensions? While being pampered in the comfort of your own home? If so, DOWNLOAD THE “Makeup Upon Arrival” APP NOW. Mua is an excellent choice for the application of your new, gorgeous lashes. Book a set of your favourite eyelash extensions and get ready for a whole unique lash experience.
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deals in MUA’s Dollhouse express. Take a look at our discounts, see which services
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- Summer with Gaia (Makeup+Hair)
- Artemis Rose (Makeup+Lashes)
- Oshun Pearl (Makeup+Hair+Lashes)
- Athenas Altar (Bridal)